Anime Girl Blender Project

Hey all, finally going to post some of my projects here, been dying to get my stuff up, really suck at my socials. Let me know what you all think, gonna post all the work I have done do far starting with her. In increments lol this is a new job lol.

My Insta Profile Where I will post my work


Good looking model.


The legs look long.
I think the proportions will be fine if you adjust the leg length.


Thanks for the input I will have a look at my proportions when she is out of pose. I appreciate your advise.


Hi, KHS I went in and checked my proportions, and everything seems to check out I think the image is a bit distorted from the perspective but she is all good proportionally, 7 and 1/3 heads tall with high heels. I generally stuck to the reference we were given in this course given by Grant Abbit.
Thanks again as I always appreciate any feedback it reminds me to be mindful while designing in the future.


Thanks for the compliment

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Manga illustrations are characterized by ladies with extra long legs and big eyes.

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It is so easy to forget all this when you get caught up in these works. I completely did not even think about it at all but is also comes with time like that.

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I realized that the reason that character looked tall was because he was wearing high heels.


Not only that, she’s actually 7 heads tall because OP used human proportions for her.
Classic anime girls are around 5.5 to 6ish heads talls.

Be very careful when using human proportions for anime characters.
It’s very easy to break away from the “classic anime” charm by doing proportions wrong. As a general rule of thumb, the more realistic the proportions are, the older the character will be.

As far as the “classic anime” girl look is concerned, the average for girls is around 5 to 6 heads, rarely above 7.

Of course, there are always exceptions to every rule and there is personal stylization. However, If you really want to emulate the classic anime look as closely as possible try to stick to japanese references, bigger heads, bigger eyes and slim bodies.


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