"Anime" Character FINALLY Completed!

I had so many issues with the nurbs curves for the hair. Even though I set them really low resolution (2 and 4, depending on the hair), my computer CHUNKED! I ended up using far fewer strands and thickening them up so I could use less curves. Not sure why I had this issue when I used even more hair for the magician in the magic trick model and didn’t have this problem. Oh well, perhaps it’s this version of Blender? Anyway, I got her finished enough. I’m happy with the result. Moving on to other things.


Does nurbs also do things like, internal subdivisions? Which goed realy fast in memory consuption. 1 > 4 > 16 > …

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I was wondering the same thing, too. My computer only as 6gb of vram. I was thinking I might have been hitting its memory limit.

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