Anime character course - progress

After a long break caused by real life problems I’ve returned to the course :smiley:
I need to add some bones to hair.
Is the armature from this course good enough to try some animation or I need to find other rigging course for walk/run etc?


Really nice results. :+1:
I’m not too fond of the final model this course provides, it just looks derpy to me, so it’s always a treat to see someone take it to another level and make something that actually looks really good.


Thank you. It gives me lots of motivation :smiley:


It has its basics.
A high-level rig has many, many more features.
The Blender .org have free models which they used in there movies. Fully rigged.


Personally I think the legs are too long.
I know it’s manga style, where ladies have long legs. But still …

I love the face and hair. Really good outcome.


Thank you for your reply. I dreamed of my own modeled character walking :slight_smile:


Oh! You are probably right! I will correct it!

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For sure this can be done with the standard rig.

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It’s not a requirement! :wink:
You’re the artist / designer! It was just an observation.


Yeah, but the character is based on Lina Inverse from anime “The Slayers” and her big complex is being short, so… I will try to fix it :stuck_out_tongue:

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@FedPete So, what do you think now? :thinking: Before and after here.


Much better proportionally, and still long manga legs!
Great adjustments.

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Blender support two rigs (beside the one you can build on your own).
The most flexible one, has facial and hand, fingers bone structure.
Depends on your needs.
But, Mixamo (free version) works best with the basic rig.

I would keep it simple to learn the basics. Most important Blender tool is the NLA editor, which I find difficult to work with. This tool allows you to combine animation parts.
Like walk mode, with arm swing mode, merged into dance move etc.

Have fun!

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I will start with simple body rig with IK. Wish me luck :slight_smile:
Thank you for advice.

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I would recommend just going for Rigify rigs for simple characters, it’s a free plug-in that comes with Blender, you just have to enable it. It has both a simple human bone set (no facial bones) and a full human meta rig. The simple one is better for quick animations or if you plan to control the face with shape keys rather than bones.
I’m not gonna go into detail on how to work it but it’s not too complicated, just type rigify" into YouTube and there is a tone of tutorials.

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Yes. We used Rigify in the Anime Character course, but I will look for more details about it. Thank you.


Well this thread has certainly motivating me to jump back into the course, as I’ve been largely focused on coding as of late.

I was wondering if you’ve ever checked out Reallusion’s free auto-rigging solution, and how that might work for you with this character:

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Oh, thank you! Another cool tool! :smiley:

To me, it looks like bloatware.
Because bones are replaced by dots. In Blender, you can change bone shapes also.
And those very nice, and impressive (as a sales pitch) moves, and body deformations are done on professionally high-end models. With probably Mixamo? animations.

The only thing is a bit of improvement on the UI.


As someone who has actually used the product, I recommended AccuRig as free and fast alternative to Mixamo that yields great results. I offered it for consideration because it has saved me time and thought it might do the same for others. Its main benefit is that you run it on your own computer rather than deal with Mixamo’s upload and download times.

I’m not quite sure how “dots” can turn something into “bloatware,” but this depiction is nearly identical to Mixamo’s. Neither software’s depiction prevents Bender nor any other program from depicting bones in any manner they choose. At the end of the day, they’re just transforms.

Finally, it’s rather odd that you fault a company for choosing to showcase its product with nice models and animations (which Reallusion probably produce themselves using their own animation software rather than source from their competitor).


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