Anime Character Course Progress - Head

So sadly… when switching my computer from Windows to Fedora about a month ago, I wiped the drive that had all of my 3D work I had made from courses here on GDTV and all of my personal projects that I was working on. I took a break to focus a bit more on learning OpenGL programming and the math course here, so that when I am ready again with my game assets I will make my game with OpenGL and SDL2, avoiding commercial game engines and becoming extremely skilled in the process.

So once again I return to the blender courses here on GDTV to get more practice and learn more.

This course offers an interesting look into topology, not diving too deep but enough discussion to help someone understand it.
However, this is the only time I will ever model a character with this method. This workflow is so constraining and lacks the creative fun you get when sculpting a character pre-retopology.

So basically I will take the topology tips from this course and whatever else I will learn later on and then be doing another character while following the 3D character model course again. (After I sculpt my dragon)

I’ll write a big review at the end of what this course is good at and what it is bad at but for now I press on.


That is so annoying to lose so much due to such computing glitches. We all should ensure we keep several copies of everything on different drives and computers but it is a hard habit to get into!

Looking fine. When you retopo a LP version from a sculpt the principles are very useful to understand of how it should be retopologised. Auto methods are rubbish.

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Yup auto retopo is an aboslute NO GO for me.

But yeah I learned my lesson, I have 3 backups of my system now on a NAS system, never again. Put as many redundancies in place as I can.

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