I’ve created custom pistol with basic animation actions ( shoot, reload, equip , etc… ) model hierarchy as shown on picture below.
I’ve also exported this .blend model into .fbx model using settings as shown on picture below.
There is probably something I’ve overseen when creating and connecting armature and/or mesh (apply transform stuff).
Why do my animation actions work inside blender as expected , but apply some weird rotation and offset inside unity over some arbitrary point ??
What is the difference between unity and blender animation execution ? (as i see it somehow blender in pose mode does animations relative to bone positions, while unity stup**ly does animations according to some origin point (couldn’t figure out for the life of me what is that point exactly)
Is there a way to make animations behave in unity same as they do when doing animations in blender pose mode ?
If you need more context to figure out what is the problem with my model, you can download .blend and .fbx files from links below.
.blend file of my model: Upload files for free - glock17 done.blend - ufile.io
exported .fbx used inside unity: Upload files for free - glock17 13.fbx - ufile.io