Animation issue with first person arms. Cant get montage to play

Hey guys, I know I haven’t posted in a while. I am really trying not to bother you guys unless I absolutely can’t figure out a problem on my own, and get no answers from Unreal forums nor Unreal’s Reddit sub forums. I have posted on both, with attempting to bump the posts on both 3 separate times now with 0 responses.

My problem is honestly pretty simple, I think. I am simply trying to play an animation montage that I created with the level sequencer when a certain button is pressed. I used enhanced input in c++ to setup the action to play with the correlated mappings. The function to be called is simple.
if (Montage) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT(“In Montage if statement meaning montage was not null and
should be playing”));

And this does execute, and I do infact get the logtemp warning. I have also of course set the montage in my characters animation section in the details panel.

I believe my problem arises in the FirstPersonAnim_BP. This is the animation blueprint that comes with the fps arms in the starter content in Unreal. In a tutorial I seen on youtube the person was using the 3rd person Manny skeleton instead of the FPS arms, and the animation blueprint is slightly different. In the 3rd person animation blueprint there is a locomotion state with a main cached pose where the fpsarms does not have this locomotion state. It does have a locomotion state machine ofc, but once clicked on instead of there also being a locomotion state as the first node after entry, it instead goes straight to the idle state.

Here is what the third person animation bp looks like and where I need to go in my first person animation bp:

and here is the only thing the youtube tutorial adds/changes:

Now here is the first person animation blueprint which I am using:

And if I click on the locomotion state for the base animation:

So as you can see I don’t have a locomotion state. So, what I assumed was that I needed to do this:

However this doesn’t change anything at all. All the regular fps animations still work fine (Jumping, idle, falling, and transitioning between them all), but pressing my button that is supposed to play the montage, even though it is def being called as I get the log temp warning, my character doesn’t do anything. I know that I could probably create a whole new state for my “sword attack” and then connect them to all the others, but this is a lot of extra work especially when I hope to have a few animations, not just a single one.

I am happy to provide any more details, screenshots, videos, ect. I just really need help here as this is driving me bonkers. Thanks so much for your time and help.

I assume this relates to your own project. I would recommend asking in the discord.
You have an involved AnimBP there so might I suggest you create a stripped back one that just plays this particular animation in a loop so you can try figure out what is going on. Other thoughts are the bones don’t match in the animation you created to the character skeleton which might then not permit it to play.

Other than that, I have no idea what could be causing this. I understand the basics of animations and montages but not to this extent I’m afraid.

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The character uses the exact same skeleton that I made with the montage, so unfortunately that isn’t the case. But that’s actually a great idea just trying to create and use a new blueprint with just this just to see if I can get it to play at all. Also what discord? I didn’t know GameDev had a discord. Do I need an invite? Also ty for your suggestions.

There is a discord and every gamedev course has a link at the start of the course, usually a lecture on asking for help.

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