An Update! Guys! I have now a short sneak peak for you! Theme "(Child's Toy room)"


I am not the best animator here! And I may require some help if any one is interested, Despite all of that I feel pretty good about showing you guys this.Okay so I have fixed some issues guys and I have yet another Demo/ sneak peak for your guys! Critics Welcome Good or bad, but remember this is not complete so things may feel like they are missing or out of place.


hehe, love it… there was a bit of a jump in the video from the door to the fridge, but really like what you’ve done. It has a great comdey/emotive element also :slight_smile:

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@Rob ob
I will be cleaning things up as I go and animating more details that are currently missing :slight_smile: but i just wanted to show the progress! Thanks for the feed back XD. I’m not the best animator but i still try!


Ah, I thought it was just an issue with the video, gotcha.

It looks really good, please do keep sharing your progress on this with us all, it really is great to see :slight_smile:

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Completely Remodeled the Elephant and original scene! Had some help over at Blendswap. Thanks to the following for allowing me to use some of their assets in my Scene!
Thanks again guys!



I like your blue cloth material. Is it procedural?

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Nope Just a decent Resolution texture made in Photoshop using the offset Function + the clone tool, to make it seamless, lol although there are intentional seams in this model XD! But its W/e


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