An Interesting Escape Roomception!

Hi all,

This is my first version of the escape room (or at least a part of it!) that I’d like to build!

  1. The player awakes on the bed
  2. The player notices the omega symbol tagged on the wall
  3. The psi symbol is tagged on the wall but hidden by the door once the player opens it. The door must be closed being obviously outside the room to see the symbol
  4. The player finds a computer with the BullCowGame (yes it’s Machiavellian hahaha) and has to solve it to get the delta symbol. Once solved, the hidden trapdoor under the bed is unlocked with a relevant sound.
  5. The player goes down the stairs and sees the psi symbol tagged on the doors, and has to solve the pressure plates puzzle to open the EXIT doors
  6. The player goes through the exit doors and wakes up in his/her bed since all of this was only a bad nightmare (or maybe he/she wakes up in the bed of the first room, and realises that all of this is an inception >:} )


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