An Elf Saves Christmas - Game Demo - Beta v.2.2 (updated 12/17) - 2D Platformer WebGL

Hi Classmates!

I just got done with section 12-tile based platformer and thought I would expand on it a bit and see what I could come up with. Here it is, An Elf Saves Christmas:

You can play the game here:

12/17/18 - UPDATE - Beta v2.2 out now

Please give me all the feedback you can!

Thank you,

  • Ryan

First thing first, The game seems quite good and the trailer is amazing as well (it brought me to play the game and do this review/feedback) so far I’ve beaten lv4 and now I have to go out to get some stuff so I will play it later on. but, before I go I would like to share my experience.

  • Starting the game, I see “an elf saves Christmas” 5 times in different font with bullets I guess if you are going for some title-ish thing then removing bullets would be better. it feels like its some sort of index of something.
  • For some reason, I don’t hear any sound even tho my sound is full (I have MAXED them from pause menu as well)
  • It’s easy to get stuck in the edges of the platforms I think its some bounding box problem
  • Button P is used to pause the game but its not mentioned in the controls so I guess I may have found an easter egg? XP
  • I guess you should put a stop point if there is nothing ahead in the level selector menu also make something so that I can just press ENTER to enter the level using mouse for that purpose kinda feels odd.
  • What’s the purpose of lives if we are going to lose gifts anyways if we die? I guess you should make it so that the gifts stays with you if you have more lives and only reset back if you are out of lives.

as for the mechanism its good, the speed and jump distance seem very much balanced. nice work.

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hey man! What a fantastic game! You should be super proud of yourself with the effort so far, because I had FUN playing this! I think the levels are very well designed - I died multiple times - but it was never too difficult to come back and get the present and carry on.

I think for me the easiest thing you could do which would have the biggest impact on the game is find a corresponding background! The grey makes it look a bit drab.

Unlike thvardhan I could hear the sound just fine and I liked some of the sound effects you have in place. Really great effort!

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Thank you so much for the feedback! fixing stuff you mentioned right now.

  • The main menu title is on there 5 times just cause I’m testing out fonts, which do you like best?
  • I’m having all sorts of sound issues… sorry bout that
  • the level menu screen is temp and only that big so I can add more levels easily

Are you getting stuck on all platform edges? or only tilemap corner pieces? ill need to look into that.

Thanks! Yeah, I need to work on art this week… its my weakness…
Were you able to beat level 10? What title font do you like best?

No I got to level 4! For me, title 3 looks the best for this sorta theme :slight_smile:

all plotforms actually. xP

Beta v 2.2 out now!

New backgrounds, more levels, more enemies
no more getting stuck on platforms (hopefully)
Fixed audio issues

Please let me know what you think!

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