Amazing Courses

Hello Rick & Ben,

I just finished with the Unity 2D courses and feel as if I am finally getting somewhere with my hobby. I have been programming with Java off and on for about 12 years, re-inventing the wheel each time I created new games.

Rarely would I finish games as my projects seemed to get to big for just one person, not to mention trying to jump back into a project months later.

I decided to take a stab in the dark and try out a game engine like Unity, through Udemy, and that’s how I stumbled across you guys.

It’d say I learned a lot from your previous courses and am eager to find even more that you guys have created and take those too. (Insert MEME SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!)

Rick, you are an amazing instructor and I can watch your videos all day buddy. And Ben, I appreciate your guest star appearances and expertise. Unfortunately, I do not think I’ll ever get anywhere with my hobby, career wise, but this makes me feel like there is a possibility.

So once again, thanks guys, keep it up, I’ll be super excited when I see you throw some Isometrics tutorials in there, but I am very content for now. I just started your RPG tutorial, and will branch off to your other tutorials from there. I am sticking with you guys because you know what you are talking about!

Cheers Guys!


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