Am brand new to all things UE and am feeling dumb

This might be more of a vent/ feedback session but Ive gotten onto the aiming section of the FPS course and feel like all of a sudden the jargon/ complexity has increased a lot all of a sudden. Eve after watching the video back a few times Ive no idea what Ive actually done while following along and wouldn’t be able to recreate it if I didnt have the video to go along with.
While I have enjoyed and understood this course so far would anyone be able to recommend any tutorials or courses that might compliment this one or more easily explain the steps I am taking?

Sometimes all you might need is to take a step back, there’s lots of people on YouTube who could give you bite sized courses to get you more familiar with Unreal, here’s a couple tutorials that could be great:

This dude’s channel is all about unreal, so there is a whole bunch of tutorials

This is a very professional channel

I do unity myself, but I do happen to know some great places to learn a bit more before doing some of these… Just keep practicing and you’ll get there!

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Wow thanks for being so helpful!

Im going to try keep slogging through this one for now for as much as I can but will definitely check these out too!

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Anytime! And a side note as well, you don’t need to watch 5 hours of a video be caught up , you could just watch 1-2 hours and then hop right back into gamedev tvs courses, I believe that after just a little bit of learning you’ll already be on your way to being great at gamedev!

The way I understand this session was that we want to in general use “event beginplay” in cases when it comes to casting(as a sidenote this actually is something that stayed with me from C++ courses) as casting is “expensive” as a newbie my understanding is that this would be bad for framerate and such when your project comes bigger.
UE kindly even reminds us about expensive actions. I guess since the blueprint is loaded always casting also should be a reserved action? But casting it at beginplay means it only has to be done there and the variable can be used elsewhere if you need access to the animbp, I guess an example of this would be if you have multiple weapons with different anims, you only need to cast once and use the variable for the rest.

After doing the cast to the anim blueprint we can have it as a variable where the input is and have it check whether we are aiming or not, which allows the anim bp and character bp to “talk” with each other and detect when the player is aiming or not and if to play the animation.

I’m also a newbie so this is how I see it lol. Stephen just talked a bunch of terminology that we are not using or needing now over it and it can be a lot when you are first learning.

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