Alt Gr key gives + sign when pressed

This question is not really related to this course/lecture but I’ve got a problem that’s pretty annoying and I haven’t found an answer to it online. So when i press/hold my Alt Gr key it types a plus sign. F.e. if I want to type a square bracket then this occurs: +[. This is a bit annoying because I need to remove the + every time.

Hi Jonathan,

Where does the +[ occur and which operating system do you use?

First I thought it only occured in VSCode, but after some testing I found out that it’s also in Visual Studio 2019 (Community) and even in Word. So basically everywhere, I’ve already tried changing my language and keyboard settings but that didn’t work as wel. I’m running Windows 10 on my laptop. But now I’ve found out that I can also type/acces symbols like the square bracket or the @-symbol with “Ctrl” + “Alt”. So the problem is more or less solved. Thanks for the fast reply!

Could you share a screenshot of the “problem”? I have to admit that I’ve never seen the +[ before but maybe I’m just misunderstanding your description. As long as you get the desired result, it might be that there is just an option enabled in VS Code or VS or maybe somewhere in the Win 10 settings.

Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students over on our Discord chat server. Perhaps one of them has seen this before and knows how to disable/enable it.

It’s just that whenever I press (and hold down) the “Alt Gr” key that it types “+” instead of just typing nothing and giving me acces to the following symbols on other keys: , @, #, ^, {, }, ~, [, ]. And I’ll check out the Discord. Thanks for the reply!

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