Also having issues with logging from RequestDIrectMove() [4.24]

Hi! I’ve read through other peoples posts about the method we are intercepting not logging as expected. I have the same problem and despite dubbel cecking my eye height, lowering the eye height, enabling/disabling “affects navigation mesh” on the tank body and tracks and raising/lowering my navMesh I still can’t get it work :confused:

Link to my GitHub repo

Any and all pointers* in the right direction are greatly appreciated!

Seems to be working on my end.
2020-04-14 11_27_07-BattleTank - Unreal Editor

Try rebuilding the paths from Unreal’s build menu.

Hi Dan!
Thank you for the rapid response! I now do get some logging when rebuilt the nav mesh, weird. Though it appears as if my player is “falling through” the nav mesh as the logging ends as soon as my tank lands on the ground. I’ll continue tweaking eye height and actor height in the nav mesh setting i guess.


Ok got it working reliably by setting the eye height in the tank_BP to -150.
Could this be some kind of bug?

I didn’t modify the eye height at all. It worked with what you had.

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