Almost Fallout hacking

So I had this idea since the first time Mike introduced the game rules.
I thought it is very easy to do, but it turns out there are more difficulties with rendering the word list properly, especially in the original game I guess.
Also, surprised how bare are Unreal and C++, had to create my own shuffle array function.
Very basic implementation, but works well and no need to check Cows :slight_smile:

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What do you mean by bare?

What I mean by bare, is that as far as I know, in c++ there are not so much convenience functions for iterating/modifying or working in general with collections.
Here - ‘transform’ instead of the common ‘map’ and the guy in the answer calls it ugly as well.

Even more than that, if I understand correctly we cannot use them for Unreal types and TArray.

Epic could fix that by implementing standard convenience functions in Unreal, but according to the documentation there are very little of them:
Only the FilterByPredicate fits what I mean.

In JS, for example, there is a popular library Lodash, which has all the sorts of manipulations for collections, objects and functions:

And I guess c++ is bare like this not only in regard to collections. So it would be great if you could provide some tools/libraries to use :slight_smile:

Hi @dartweder7. The truth is, C++ is extremely rich. But, since unreal has to create new variable types, majority of them are useless. There are countless libraries to choose from if you’re using plain C++ through a terminal. Here is a great website that displays all the standard C/C++ Libraries, both of which are accessible through C++.

Yeah, that was my incorrect wording. I know that C++ has a mature and diverse ecosystem of libraries, frameworks and whatnot. And you point that majority of them are unusable with UE:

But, since unreal has to create new variable types, majority of them are useless.

This is what I meant. I know how to look for C++ stuff, but I do not know where to look for UE supported libraries. That what I was asking about. Thank you for the respond anyway :slight_smile:

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