All Particles triggering upon collision

Hello guys can I get some help please? I am having trouble with all of my particles parented to my rocket prefab playing at the same time. I have [serialized] both ExplosionParticles and SuccessParticles and cached the reference in the Start(). I assigned both the parented particles to the [serialized] fields in the inspector and called the Corresponding particles to play in the correct methods in my script. I am using unity 2021 could this be the reason?Screenshot 2021-04-22 100435 Screenshot 2021-04-22 100537

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Hi! Welcome to the community!

To help you better I need you to answer the following question: When exactly do the particles play at the same time? Is it at the start of the game? Is it when you touch something?

If the particles play at the same time when starting the game then you probably have to deactivate the following in the particles systems:

If it’s when other conditions are met then there’s something going on with your code, unfortunately, the code you provided is not enough to be certain about that. There might be some issue somewhere else, try copy-pasting the full script to be able to help you further.

Thank you so much for your response! I took another look at the project code in github and noticed that that he wasn’t caching the reference on start and it’s working fine now thank you!

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