All my turrets animate when only 1 shoots

The only thing I did differently than what the solution had was I used top radius/bottom radius/height for my keyframes instead of the transform values.

I tried adding a not animated turret top and having it made unique recursively to try to throw things at the wall and see if they stick but that didn’t help.

I tried turning off the animation tracks I made and having it just be super scaled up and it just didn’t animate anything

I think therein lies the problem. Where the transform is always unique to the instance (apart from inheriting transforms from parents), the Mesh is a resource, and resources are shared by default. As much as it makes sense on paper to avoid duplicating resources where possible, it’s definitely not the most intuitive part of Godot.

If you want to animate it this way, what you will most likely need to do is to tick Local To Scene on the Mesh so that it duplicates the Mesh for each instance instead of referencing. You might also need to replace the instances you already have. This should fix the issue, although I can’t test it right now to be more certain.

It’s worth noting as well that these assets and their animations get completely replaced later in the course (naturally, it’s your choice whether to do so, but if you aren’t able to make this work, don’t let it stop you from progressing).

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