All Unreal Courses

Hi everyone, I am taking a unreal engine c++ course to learn to program games. In a later stage of this course there is a pre-set game we need to download in order to continue with this course(The Bull Cow Game). After downloading this game I tried opening it with the latest version of unreal (4.24.3) to which it then said that no game/resources could be found for this. I then went and downloaded the engine that the course was using (4.22.2) but could only download 4.22.3. After downloading this It said it could not rebuild the game, it then came up with an error. “BullCowGame could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.” As of currently I have been stuck on this for a week and still have not found the answer as what I need to do right now

You will be able to make games without help, but remember that you will always you google to assist you in things. No matter how good you are at programming you will always need at least some help.

I’m having trouble with setting up the building escape project i keep getting this error in c++ about #include errors and I can’t seem to figure out why i’ve done so much research and still can’t get it some help would be wonderful.

Hi GameDev.
Thank you for the C++ course and other courses. I was wondering if you have any plans for an AI C++ course? I noticed there’s a huge lack of this topic online! Not even YouTube has enough good AI courses. And, as we all know by now, the documentations isn’t a great way to start learning tbh. It’s alright if you already know the subject but need some resource to go to when needed.
If any has any recommendations please help (my AI skills in Blueprint are ok, not expert but I know my way around it).

Many thanks


When I try to compile these lines of code, I get about 300 errors in my terminal. Then my VSCode starts lagging and I can’t control it. So, I guess I’ll try to switch to Xcode, or can somebody help me? :cold_sweat:

BTW I’m on Mac.

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“cl main.cpp”. not just “main.cpp”. Compile it first, then run it.
Make sure you start VSCode in dev mode and have C++ installed in the same drive as your file.

Did you figure this out? your code looks OK to me… which terminal are you using to compile? any luck in Xcode?

I bought a couple of your courses over at udemy and I have access to the community here, but how can I gain direct access to courses I purchased at udemy here?

Answer found here:
Migrate Udemy Account


Hi, I realise that I am not using the recommended engine or xcode for the Unreal course however I have Big Sur which meant I needed XCode 12 and XCode 12 only worked with the latest Preview of unreal engine - a lot of time already spent getting Unreal to just work. So please accept this is where I am at them moment… The sample program now runs in Unreal and compiles and runs in Xcode.

However when I attempt to create the XCode or Visual Code project for BullsAndCows I get an error that the MONO JIT compiler does not have access to the dotnet folder:

“Running bundled mono, version: Mono JIT compiler version (2018-06/bb3ae37d71a Fri Nov 16 17:12:11 EST 2018) CSC: error CS2012: Cannot open ‘/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.26/Engine/Source/Programs/DotNETCommon/DotNETUtilities/obj/Development/DotNETUtilities.dll’ for writing – ‘Access to the path “/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.26/Engine/Source/Programs/DotNETCommon/DotNETUtilities/obj/Development/DotNETUtilities.dll” is denied.’”

I have attempted to give access to “Everyone”, I have also attempted to add the Unreal Editor and Xcode to the “Full Disk Access” in the security and privacy section. Neither of these have solved the problem. I am wondering whether the shell command is calling something for botnet that is specific to the BullsAndCows project. The project runs in unreal editor, my problems started when I got to the step - “Create a Visual Code Project”.

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Hi everyone,

Here I have a problem running the compiled file ‘triplex’.
“Hello world” is not output on the terminal.
Please help. Thank you.

Hello, I was having the same issue and I think I may have figured out a fix. It’s not the most secure fix, but it does get the project to build in Xcode. What you’ll need to do is navigate to the directory where the Epic Games installer installed the Unreal Engine editor. Mine is in the default path…

/Users//Developer/Epic\ Games/UE_4.26/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac

Then you’ll want to edit the file “”. Here is a sample from mine…

Hopefully that helps!

I think you did not run the code just compiled it.
I don’t think everything is installed correctly. If you look at the color of your main function, it is white. if you look at Alex’s main function color, it is yellow. Maybe you did not add the c++ extension to VS code. If you still have this problem after checking it, I would recommend to reinstall your VS code based on the videos.

Have a nice day!

My TripleX’s contrib … just for the sake of << std::cout << “Hello everyone !”;

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New to C++ and just starting taking the Unreal Engine C++ course. In regards to what the main() function might be, I think it could be a function that sets or controls important values within the code or game in this case.

I’m sorry but I’ve got the courses already so cheap. I wish I could use the codes :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you so much for all this guys

looks good. Bravo.

here’s my first line(s)

Hello! I’m enjoying this course so far. I got pretty far flawlessly but I’m kinda stumped on this one… I think I messed up somewhere and I need help solving the issue… Thanks!

#include <iostream>

void PrintIntroduction()
	std::cout << "You are a secret agent breaking into a secure server room...\n";
	std::cout << "enter the correct code to continue...\n\n";
void PlayGame()


	//Declare 3 number code
	const int CodeA = 4;
	const int CodeB = 3;
	const int CodeC = 2;

	const int CodeSum = CodeA + CodeB + CodeC;
	const int CodeProduct = CodeA * CodeB * CodeC;

	// Print CodeSum and product to the terminal
	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "There are 3 numbers in the code" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "The codes add-up to: " << CodeSum << std::endl;
	std::cout << "+ The codes multiply to give: " << CodeProduct << std::endl;

	//Store Player guess
	int GuessA, GuessB, GuessC;
	std::cin >> GuessA >> GuessB >> GuessC;

	int GuessSum = GuessA + GuessB + GuessC;
	int GuessProduct = GuessA * GuessB * GuessC;

	//Check if the players guess is correct
	if (GuessSum == CodeSum && GuessProduct == CodeProduct)

		std::cout << "\nYou win!";
		std::cout << "\nYou lose!";

	int main();
		return 0;

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