All for One or One for All?

Lecture 4.74: Appending VS Dupilcation

I decided to do All files for one final file, rather than one file for all. At least for the time being.

Since I do work on other projects, it is habit that I set up various category files, and even a file for a specific piece if I believe I will be needing more than one copy of it. Then when I am done I will have a Complete Chess Piece Set file which will contain all the ones that I will use in my final renders.

Thus my Pawn will have its own little file. Then all my pics, renders, scrap files, and educational files regarding the pawn can be thrown in and a final product pulled out without the mess of royalty and horses mucking up my search.

Here is my Pawn thus far:


Sounds a good way to work.

I am messy. lol All in one, loads side lined in ‘junk but might need again’ collections.

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I find that I tend to be both very messy and organized.

While doing some of my side projects, I am making a board game on the side, all my asset files on the computer are rigorously organized. But my original notes? written on everything and anything, include on paper with notes for other projects, and then I have to try to collect and organize them.

So I seem to grab everything possible and throw it in one big pile and let it settle for a bit while I contentedly look on it as a whole. Then I begin the laborious process grabbing random singular pieces and organizing them until I have constructed a structured whole.

Now my workspace, i.e. my desk and surrounding area, tends toward the pile mentioned above and does not move beyond that. Should it become organized, for cleaning sake, it soon reverts to type. Like a child dressed up in a suit for Church or a wedding, and then let loose after. The child revert to type…


There is also a nice feature in Blender to make thumbs of all your objects in your blend file. I’m not sure it is discussed in this course.

See FILE > Data Previews > Refresh Data Block Previews

Look up the web for more detailed info.

Instead of browsing through a lot of files, use this solution as a library of objects. This is also the reason for the ‘Collection’ function.


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