
Hi @ben and @sampattuzzi , I have a weird situation with my game at the moment we did the state machine and the aimoffset I decided add another two states for aim and aim_and_walk, so I didn´t follow the video where Sam puts the AimoffSet outside of the state machine,I put it like this.

But after this video I notice my AI was working the same way but, my third person player character wasn´t, so i decide to put the animoffset outside of the state machine

Then my player controller start working again, but I dont know why this is happening , i already checked the aim angle variable, could you tell me why you didnt put the anim offset inside the state machine like me, is there a reason?

also @sampattuzzi I couldn´t download your commit to check what would be the problem because there is a problem with visual studio because you change the name of the project from 05 to S05 and there are some define that have some problems with that

You should be able to change the name of the project after you check it out.

I’m not sure what problem you’re having with the TP vs FP. They have seperate animation blueprints so I would expect that you need to make the same changes in both.

Hi Sam
How your FP Aiming at all, because in TPCharacter Blueprint Aiming boolean variable is false it must be set true and after that start Aiming Animation. In my case FP can’t Aiming
Can you explain your case ?


I think it might be set in the AI somewhere. But I think that bool is getting set.

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