Aiming Component unable to enter Tick?

I noticed when I put a log in the tick component of the otherwise fully functional aiming component from the lecture, no log is output. bCanEverTick is set to true.

Begin play logs fine but never the tick:

It makes no difference if i call the Super::TickComponent or not

The other logs about simulate physics in the screenshot is something else; But i never get a single log from the tick component function

Mine was auto generated but I just checked and the one in ActorComponent.h is the same as expected except that it has the primitive keyword ‘enum’ typed in front of the ElevelTick. But this version as expected works the same, functionality unchanged.

Mundo ass bug. I randomly thought to delete and re-add the aiming component to my tank pawn blueprint, and it started working.

But now there is still the problem where my game freezes when the AI tank tries to fire. I cant debug this problem since I cannot atach a debugger to UE4 without visual studio getting stuck on loading symbols

Another Thing that is really odd is that the crosshair enum colors did not work until unreal crashed and I reset it.

Had the same problem, and this was my solution as well.

In addition to that after re-adding the aiming component in BP I also needed to re-add the projectile blueprint to the aiming component in BP and its back to working again.

Took me 4 hours trying random things, really killed my momentum.
Thank goodness for the community site though.


thanks for the heads ups fellas, bug still persists in 4.17.2

FYI for anyone else who comes to this discussion, I had the same issue but it started working after I closed the editor and Visual Studio and then reopened the editor and recompiled.


Thanks so much for the heads up @BenA77, worked like a charm for me!

THANK YOU! Very much!

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