AI tank is shooting constantly

I’ve a AI tank in my game and it is shooting constantly. It is strange bc all my codes are the same with Ben. Is there any tricky BP setting or something else?

Would be helpful to see your relevant code and blueprints

Hi, I am doing my stuffs not in github because of some problems right now. So I will send you a drive link.
Also I realise there is something trouble in Aiming Component after 3 seconds tanks will never go the red state again. And strangely it is not moving right now, could you take a look for it too? Thanks.

That’s the ensure being triggered so a stack trace that lead up to that is generated. ensure statements only get triggered once in a game session.

You are missing Super::BeginPlay() for the aiming component

This seems to be the issue

Apparently I’m sending both 0 and 1 when pressing “W”. Your blueprint might be bugged.

Thanks for your advises. These are really helpful.
But for my case I found of what’s wrong in my game. Strangely everytime I open my game. My Left Track BP got some missing static mesh issue. Everytime I start my game, I realise my left track is missing and I need to add it manually again and again. But if I forget to add my physic material in “pyhsics material override” and/or enable the tick on “Simulation Generates Hit Events” , then my tank got some issue about moving (basically not moving at all).

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