AI is messed up

I’m in this lecture, and I don’t remember when but something got messed up. The AI isn’t patrolling if I give it patrol points and the behavior tree is flickering like crazy. LastSeenLocation is invalid for some reason and the second room is locked even when I’m in the unlock volume. I had some more problems that I fixed (literally sat in front of the computer from 21:00 to 0:30 just debugging so I gave up for today). The fact that these two things don’t function makes me think that somehow the player-controlled pawn/character isn’t recognized for some reason (although the AI does shoot at me).

Here is a link to my project:

P.S. When does the new content for BT and TG come out? I’d really like to try them out :slight_smile:

Since this sounds like it’s more involved I may not be able to get to it today.

It’s now just one section (TPS) that aims to cover the same ground as BT and TG. Here’s the update video

Okay, my bad. The AI does recognize me and my last seen location so the only problems are that they don’t patrol nor chase me because of the flickering of the tree, and that the second room is still locked. It’s really weird, it worked perfectly and then all of the sudden it didn’t.

EDIT: I also just checked and the tile generation still works if I set it so in BeginPlay it starts as unlocked instead of locked.

EDIT2: The AI is working perfectly, the NavMesh was just too high. Only problem is locking and the collisions are fine in terms of height.

BTW thanks for the update about the new content, I’m looking forward to it.

Haven’t got around to it yet but to be clear. What’s currently wrong with it?

I have decided to continue with the course in the hope of some refactor or architecture change fixing any problems. If I’ll still have some issues I’ll let you know. :+1:

Fair enough. Just bump the thread if you need help.

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