AI does not move to patrol point

Why doesn’t my AI move towards my patrol points? I have followed the whole video and the AI does not seem to move towards the given patrol point… The image below shows the blueprint of the first half of the video where the AI is only supposed to move to one patrol point which it does not do… I even used the “Print String” node to find out where it goes wrong and it looks like my Request always fails…

The funny thing is that the AI has no problem chasing me… So I have no clue what I did wrong? (And yes, I did change the FPS_Character object reference to Actor and assigned the first patrol point to the Drone)


The goal location is 0,0,0. Is it possible it can’t be reached?

Thanks for your reply. The tutor in the course did it the exact same way as shown in the image above. And I later also tried to set a goal location, which unfortunately did not work…

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