Agnog is unwrapped

Back to the orc after the Christmas challenge, I am hopefully ready for baking and also named him Agnog.


You did manual retopology.
Well done for that :muscle:


Heck yeah I’m a little surprised Grant didn’t. In his YouTube videos he says that automatic retopology is really not an acceptable method for a full character like this (and he’s right). I’m guessing it’s just for the sake of not overwhelming beginners too much.


That’s completely right. It would be to much. At least to me. This course seems basic level but if you want to explore more in every subject it would unravel entirely new course of it self. Retopology and UV unwrapping is vast. Rerouting flow, polycount, animation functionality etc. There is so many ways retopology can be done that it’s pointless just briefing this in such entry level. His point is here just to make it work and some times its all you need. I did this course mid this year. And looking back I dont regret going hard way and doing it manually. I even have prints of marrying meshes hanging on my wall lol. And comparing things I did back then and now, I understand why some things are skipped in some tutorials.


Yeah that makes sense. Good retopology is still pretty new to me, but I just couldn’t handle the results of automatic :sweat_smile:

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Nah. Neither could I. I think, that to really learn something you need to go trough the core. No addons no shortcuts. I want to understand how it works before employing the tool to do it for me. Off course being resourceful is an asset but having knowledge before hand seems better way.


This course is a little ahead of me, so I can’t offer feedback, but I love the name!! :grin:


Thanks haha! It’s a somewhat obscure reference to a character named Agnot in The Fifth Element. It’s an unintentional similarity :joy:



Don’t warry. I’ve taken week off work when I came to baking section. Chin up :slight_smile:

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Agnog is looking good, in an ugly Orcish way!

There are a lot of small bits on your unwrap. Not necessarily a problem but did they need to be so separated into tiny bits?

Yes so many students seem to want the easy and fast option. I guess Grant played to the market. Yoof today! :roll_eyes: :joy:


You are right, most of the tiny bits come from the medallion, and that’s because it’s decimated and auto-unwrapped. Although now you mention it, I could maybe get away with a project from view…
Guess it depends on if I actually want texture


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