After a bad first try, it feels good to make something recognizable as a horse

I’m pretty happy with it

First attempt ended like this, and it took hours to even get to this point. I had a lot of trouble visualizing the horse in three dimensions. This was so much harder than objects that are symmetrical throughout the X/Y axes.

How much time did others spend on this challenge? The “maybe even a half hour” estimate was WAY too low in my case


Welcome back!
Four years is rather a long time to take making the knight/horse! :rofl: :rofl:

Looks like you learnt and got better second time around.

Needs an eye now! And nostrils. :grin:
Though the area for the eye looks a bit odd topology so it may need some fiddling with.

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Haha, nah. It’s been four years since I was here taking the Unity course. My first attempt at the knight was last night.

I decided to leave out the eye, since it’s so much more detailed than the rest and the instructor didn’t include it either. Nostrils wouldn’t be out of place though. I agree that the topology is a little wonky at the top, but it shouldn’t be too hard to even it out.


I left out the eye and nostril on my 1st 2 different knights , But having to Re-add in the ears on my second Knight (gawd knows where they went lol). I decided to add the eyes and nostrils in .
That came with its own set of problems.
After reading up on it , there was a known issue using boolean cuts in with a mirror modifier . My work around was to apply the mirror mod , then add on the boolean (eyes and nose) cuts to either side .
They really make the Knight come to life .
you can see it in the community forun

Select a face and use ’ i ’ Inset command to add room for the nostrils or eye.
Then ’ e ’ to extrude the inset face.
Sometimes you need to add extra edges (loop cuts) to make extra room or position the inset location.

Don’t forget to save under a new version before starting to experiment.

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