Advice - Unity 2017 Change: Application.LoadLevel does not exist

There’s a change in Unity 2017; Application.LoadLevel is not an existing function. For a reason or another, the LoadLevel function has been cut off from the Application class, and now you must change the scene through the SceneManager class.
To do that, you must also use UnityEngine.SceneManagement.


Good call. I had to search the documentation to find the correct method to use.

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This change was made back in Unity 5, heavily covered on the forum but primarily when students discuss the move to Unity 5.

It’s good to have it flagged also for Unity 2017.

If ever in doubt, try searching on the forums here by issue, rather than a specific Unity version, for example, “application.load” and you will be certain to find a range of posts :slight_smile:

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Thanks Rob. Yeah I guessed as much. Even though they advise not to use Unity 5, I thought it would be good to go ahead and use 5/2017 as it’s encouraging me to get familiar with using the Unity documentation to look up replacements for deprecated API methods and classes.

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Yeah the course was designed for an older version of Unity, but you do actually upgrade to Unity 5 during the course anyway, for Bowlmaster.

I would recommend every take the course in the most recent version now really, as the differences really are so well covered on the forum and are not huge deal breakers anyway, as you are probably finding out. It is a useful skill to go in search of solutions whether it is via the documentation, the forums, Google etc, so well done.

An added benefit of using the most recent version is also that the Unity Web Player has been removed, so the replacement WebGL build will enable people to actually play and enjoy your games, and potentiallu provide feedback. All of the popular and modern browsers have now dropped support for the underlying technology which the Unity Web Player required, so in my opinion, definitely better to be on a more up to date version. :slight_smile:

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Cheers Guys - also took the plunge with U2017 and thought i’d check the forum for the first time - appreciate the link Dragometh :ok_hand:

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Don’t forget to always attach the appropriate Using UnityEngine.#### library. THIS drove me crazy for a few days.



There is a document under Resources on Udemy which covers the differences between the course version of Unity and version 5+ and 2017+, from memory its in lecture 8.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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I was having issiues with old Unity so I had to use the 2017, I’m glad other people noticed the same issues!

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