I am using the standard built in NavMesh, nothing extra on that front. I did download the Terrain Tools, but the feature I’m having problems with exists both on the basic and advanced tool set. I used a copy of Gaia Pro 2021 I got on sale to see if its trees would behave properly, and they do - the NavMesh isn’t put where Gaia’s trees are.
However, the trees it’s suggested we use in this course do not want to collide while randomly rotating, no matter how many times I click “Enable Tree Colliders” or put a capsule collider / NavMeshObstacle on the object. To be clear, if I put the suggested trees into LOD groups the random rotation feature works, but trees aren’t collidable. If I put the tree by itself without the LOD group into the terrain tree palette, the trees collide with the NavMesh but don’t randomly rotate, so it looks like the treeline in Warcraft 2.
Next thing I’m trying is different, non-gaia trees.