Advanced Terrain Tools Question

So the new terrain tools allow you to paint trees, but they require a LOD group to allow automatic random rotation. I figured out the LOD group but now I can’t get the painted trees to collide with the NavMesh when I bake the scene. Is there a trick I’m missing?


Terrain tree collision has always been a bit of a gamble for me. If you’re using the NavMesh Tools (the ones you add extra, not the built in), I’ve never gotten terrain trees to work. With the standard navmesh, it’s usually as easy as clicking on the Enable Tree Colliders on the Terrain Collider. Sometimes, I’ve found I need to explicitly put a NavMeshObstacle on the tree Prefab.

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I am using the standard built in NavMesh, nothing extra on that front. I did download the Terrain Tools, but the feature I’m having problems with exists both on the basic and advanced tool set. I used a copy of Gaia Pro 2021 I got on sale to see if its trees would behave properly, and they do - the NavMesh isn’t put where Gaia’s trees are.

However, the trees it’s suggested we use in this course do not want to collide while randomly rotating, no matter how many times I click “Enable Tree Colliders” or put a capsule collider / NavMeshObstacle on the object. To be clear, if I put the suggested trees into LOD groups the random rotation feature works, but trees aren’t collidable. If I put the tree by itself without the LOD group into the terrain tree palette, the trees collide with the NavMesh but don’t randomly rotate, so it looks like the treeline in Warcraft 2.

Next thing I’m trying is different, non-gaia trees.

This may need to be something escalated to the Unity Forums.… I’m unable to assist at all with Gaia (too rich for my blood).
My only other suggestion is to make several different tree prefabs with different rotations and add them as tree brushes.

I used Gaia as a troubleshooting tool, to see if its trees would work with the NavMesh, and they do, so there’s nothing wrong with my process. The trees included in the course simply don’t allow collision with the NavMesh when used with Unity’s Terrain Tools auto-rotation tree placement feature.

The trees included with the course DO allow collision with the NavMesh when placed as long as you don’t try to use the auto-rotation feature of the terrain tools’ tree placement function.

Future students, don’t make things look TOO pretty or you’ll be spending time playing with a feature unrelated to the lesson.

This is strange. I used the trees from the course and random rotation and they are all cut out of the navmesh. I had to add the LOD group to each tree prefab, but they are rotated and allow collision

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I’ve seen it happe both ways… working and not… and much like the Eagles, I can’t tell you why.

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I had the LOD order in the Terrain Tools tree creation process wrong. It was using the billboard of the tree as a collision layer. I switched the order to “First” from “Last” and the right colliders hit the NavMesh.

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