Advanced Selection Methods only show black screen

Hi! Can you fix the video? It’s only showing black screen. I mean, it’s showing the title of the lesson, but it didn’t show anything. Just black screen, no audio. Basically, I think you got the wrong rendered video I think.


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Can you please provide the section and name of the lecture, and what system you are using Udemy or this GameDev site, these tags do not seem to relate to any current course. Or it may be I just can’t find what it relates to.

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This is the URL. In Blender Character Creator: Rigging Humanoid 3D Characters Course.
Advance Selection Methods lesson.

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Thanks I will report it to the team.

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Okay! Thanks a lot! :smiley:

@Daryl_Adhitya_Henry the video should be back up now. Apologies for the delay.


Thank youu!!!

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