Hello, I have an idea, but I’m not sure if it should be a section at the end of Unity2D or fleshed out into a full course itself. It would covers some intermediate level topics that people seem to ask about a lot.
Of course if we are going to jump into some intermediate topics, we’ll need a base game to start with – and I recommend Laser Defender.
Topics could include such things as:
- Adding mouse, gamepad, and/or touch controls
- Handling screen resolution dynamically
- Using inheritance and polymorphism to make enemy types
- An intimate introduction to the profiler
- Getting rid of Rigidbodies and colliders and handling our own collisions
- Using Raycasting instead of instantiating projectiles
- Using Object Pooling instead of instantiating projectiles
- Using the Particle System instead of instantiating projectiles
- Saving and loading games
- Adding a pause button and option screen
I think that would be enough but when I make wish lists, I like to dream big and go a little crazy:
- Introducing flocking behavior (for a whole cloud of enemies)
- Adding an upgrade/inventory system
- Multiplayer hotseat
- Simultaneous multiplayer (LAN? Gamepads?)