Advance AI course (Unity and Unreal)

Currently most tutorials provide only basic AI for games.
A course on making a system for example zombies within a FPS game to incorporate

Ragdoll Systems including damage to limbs to reduce zombies to a crawling state or only bite attacks if arms are gone.
Hunger and feeding on bodies left in scene which reduces on moving about the level
Sound detection
Smell detections (If carrying food that is not in a container or uncooked your detection radius is larger)
Idle, Patrol and Pursuit (And searching after losing the player before returning to patrol)
Alerted State where the zombie has detected but does not know where and starts searching.
Sound system with audio pooling.

I would really look forward to a course like this. Would it really be feasible to make it programming agnostic so it works for both C# and C++.

On an unrelated note, I know there were talks long ago about doing a Game Design Theory course. Are there really plans to implement one in the future or is it still an idea?

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This is purely just a suggestion from the student side of me but i was thinking of 2 courses as it would be very different in the engines but i think its something both engines could use.
Its also hard to find the content and the support for students who gets stuck.
Only one company i know of has done this and they shall remain namless but they never never finished the course on udemy and put the next part behind a paywall (4 years ago it started!)

On the Game Design Theory i havent heard on anything as everything got updated at the same time (Blender,Unreal and unity!)


Full support! Please, Unreal also!!

This is a great idea, I can’t find a good course about artificial intelligence in Unity anywhere. I would really like to learn about machine learning and behavior tree in Unity

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I would like an AI course on unreal specifically.

Unity already has a decent course on unity learn by Penny De Byl which covers the general topics like BT, Flocking, Crowds, Navmesh, FSM, A*, and Goap (simple version) using pure C#.

Unreal’s AI system is covered in the unreal C++ course but that’s only for the last module and just a high-level approach. An in-depth course of various AI techniques would be greatly appreciated.

Wow, I would Love to see an Advanced AI course. The games I have in mind would be great without an complex AI system

Would not be great°

I think a course that uses more intermediate and advanced AI in Unity could work. If it eventually leads to more interesting and experimental games being made by students then that’s also a big benefit.

Would love this. Making great AI is something that I am interested in and most courses seem to touch only lightly on the topic.

Would buy if it is for Unreal.

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