Additional Compile Error in ThirdPersonCharacter

In addition to the compile warnings we fixed to resolve the issue with not being able to look left and right, I’m also getting this error.


I was easily able to get around it by just disconnecting the execution pin for the InputActionResetVR node.


“InputAction ResetVR” comes from a plugin that you can enable by going to Edit > Plugins and searching for OpenXR and enabling it. You will need to restart the editor.


I had the same problem. I didn’t find this above solution, and puzzled it out by Googling. I saw that Reset Orientation and Position belonged in Head Mounted Display and figured it was somehow missing from my project. I looked for a setting to turn on but then saw there was plugins for it.

In the end my fix was as EdTheLoon says (although I installed SimpleHMD).

First go to plugins:

Then search and install SimpleHMD:

After that the Reset Orientation and Position function no long has red error text.

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