Adding script to player scene

In Godot 4.1.2 when adding a script to the player scene and then switching back to the Level1 scene the Player node does not have the script attached unlike it’s shown in the video. Only the player scene has the script! I think that functionality has changed and now to get the script in the Level1 Player nodes we have to instantiate new ones. Maybe this is intended functionality because this way adding a script wont break any existing nodes within a scene and allows for Player nodes to have different scripts.

strange one, just been playing around with that.

i tried clearing the script from the instance that was in the scene. then going into the player, removing script then saving.
i added another script to the root node of the player, saved then returned to the main and there was a script showing on the player there.

not quite sure whats happening, unless theres a slight bug. ill have to do a bit more playing around i think

That is strange. Today on loading the Speedy Saucer project I detached the Player Script and this was reflected on the Level1 Scene. I then added the script again and it’s now working as per the video! I guess there must have been a glitch somewhere.

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not sure whats happening, some haloween gremlins in the works somewhere :frowning:

definitely a good call to raise, and theres a post on it in case others see similar

Thanks for looking into it.

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