Adding new and unique Dialogue nodes through inspector

I would like to add nodes through the inspector but when I do it’s not triggering the generation of a guid because it’s not calling the MakeNode method of Dialogue.cs It’s just making a duplicate.

It looks like OnValidate gets called when I create a new one, but I can’t figure out how to get a reference to just the newly created node so I can’t do any initialization on it.

I know I can always look at the last item in the list but I only want to perform an action on it when it’s been newly created through the inspector’s + symbol.

Any tips???

Writing a custom inspector would be the best way to make sure this happens. It’s still not the ideal way of adding a DialogueNode because in addition to updating the UUID, we also need to set parent child relationships, etc, which is what the EditorWindow is best suited to do.
TBH, if I were to make a custom editor for the Dialogue’s inspector, it would hide the nodes altogether and simply have a button to open the DialogueEditorWindow and select that dialogue.

Interesting. Ok let me describe the problem I’m trying to solve.

  1. I was thinking of going with multiple root Dialogue nodes (like Diablo) where the player can select the starting point of the conversation right away. In this case I don’t care about parent-child relationships between nodes. (just that a DialogueNode SO is a child asset of the Dialogue SO). But this is not critical since I can still do this in the custom editor.

  2. I have a use case unrelated to Dialogues where I wanted to take advantage of parent child relationships between two different classes of SOs. My use case is simple and doesn’t require a custom editor (it would help but it’s not critical). But I wanted to use the asset database structure to keep things organized between the “Node” SO and the Parent SO.

For (2) is the answer basically to create a custom editor?

Yes, I would say a custom editor would be the best approach here. The built in editor simply isn’t going to trigger the things you need it to.

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