AddForceAtLocation and SimulatePhysics property

Hi. This is not a show-stopper problem but I want to ask and talk about it anyway.
When I disable the SimulatePhysics property at Tank_BP, I can’t use the AddForceAtLocation function in my game. That’s what Unreal said to me when I did this. I’m sure it will be work (I will see it,one lecture later.) But I think my Unreal (4.22.3) doesn’t support that feature, Am I right?

Adding force is physics simulation, it can’t do that if it’s not simulating physics. May I ask why you want to disable that?

I was just trying to do the exactly same things as in the lecture. Function is working properly there is no problem after the later lecture’s changes.
But in this lecture, Lecturer remove the tick from SimulatePhysics’ box and then replay the game. There was so much friction at that time, so tank could not move. He find a way to prove that left and right track stuffs are working. You know if we disable the SİmulatePhysics, tank won’t be fall to the ground and will be stay there where it is. So when we use the addforcetlocation function we can easily see tank is slightly rotating because of the force.
But it is not important thing to do as I said I just saw in the lecture it and wanna try.
Thanks for answer :slight_smile:

When is this done? Are you talking about Enable Gravity?

Ah yes I think that’s what I mean. Seems like I have a misunderstanding about that. I was trying to find Gravity property but accidentally I disable the simulate physics. So I can 't realise it until now. (Yes even I create a topic about it and still can 't realise at that time)

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