Added Hand Armature

I just watched a video on how to add some bones to a hand. I ended up adding the armature to both hands (took me forever. I’m new). But now I want to be able to pose my hand. I originally used rigify to give a basic rig to my models body. The hand rigging was an “add on” rigging that I did. Is there something that I would need to do to be able to join this new hand rigging to my original full body rig? Or, do I simply keep them separate and try to pose the hand as i would like it. I am assuming there is something I need to do after
putting in the bones. The gentleman in the video alluded to that, but I didn’t follow that part of the video (the part after the bones were positioned correctly) because his rigged hands didn’t have a body attached to them…whereas mine does…so I thought the process might be in someway different for my scenario. Thank you so much.

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I think you need to connect the hand bones to the arm or body bones of the other armature.

It’s possible to have multiple armatures, but it’s not a good way.
You need to relate all bones in a logical thing called, an armature.

Armatures and bones, even posing and animations are difficult things in Blender. Try small projects.

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Thank you. Yes, I’m finding the joining a little difficult I’ll have to do a little research on YouTube and find out how it is done.

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