Added functionality: Auto release an object that is too far from you

I noticed I could grab a chair and walk into a different room while the chair was stuck in the door way. I could walk very far away and come back to find I was still holding it.

I added this code to make it auto-release if you get separated too far from your grabbed object.

In Grabber.h - I have a “MaxGrabDistance” that is slightly larger than my “ReachDistance”

    float ReachDistance = 100.0f;

    float MaxGrabDistance = 150.0f;

    AActor* GrabbedActor = nullptr;

    // Return distance from player to object
    float GetDistanceFromGrabbed();

In Grabber.cpp, inside the TickComponent - If there is a grabbed component then each tick will evaluate whether it is too far away:

//If physics handle is attached
if (PhysicsHandle->GrabbedComponent)
	//Move the object that we're holding

	// If LineTraceEnd is too far from grabbed object, release it.
	if (GetDistanceFromGrabbed() > MaxGrabDistance)

In Grabber.cpp - This is the definition of the function that gets the distance between the grabbed component and the LineTraceEnd:

float UGrabber::GetDistanceFromGrabbed()
	float Distance = 0.0f;
	if (!GrabbedActor) {return Distance;} /// ENSURE THERE IS A PRESSURE PLATE
	FVector GrabbedActorLocation = GrabbedActor->GetActorLocation(); // Determine the location of the grabbed actor
	FVector Between = GrabbedActorLocation - LineTraceEnd; // Determine the vector difference between the GrabbedActorLocation and the LineTraceEnd

	//This function needs to return a Direction, but we aren't actually using it.
	FVector Direction;
	Between.ToDirectionAndLength(Direction, Distance);

	return Distance;

So basically if the distance between GrabbedActorLocation and LineTraceEnd is greater than the MaxGrabDistance then it will release the object.

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