My code (the text about the dragon is because I imported a dragon mesh into my scene):
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#include "BullCowCartridge.h"
void UBullCowCartridge::BeginPlay() // When the game starts
const FString WordListPath = FPaths::ProjectContentDir() / TEXT("WordLists/HiddenWordList.txt");
FFileHelper::LoadFileToStringArrayWithPredicate(Words, *WordListPath, [](const FString& Word) {return TestIfIsogram(Word); });
Score = 0;
void UBullCowCartridge::OnInput(const FString& Input) // When the player hits enter
PlayerTestWord = Input;
void UBullCowCartridge::EndGame()
void UBullCowCartridge::SetupGame()
if (Score == 9)
PrintLine(TEXT("You have beaten the Bull Cow game."));
PrintLine(TEXT("Take pride in your greatness!!!."));
Lives = HiddenWord.Len();
bGameOver = false;
if (Score == 0)
PrintLine(TEXT("Welcome to this strange bull and cow game,now also with dragon."));
int32 Round = Score + 1;
PrintLine(TEXT("Welcome to round %i of the bull and cow game."), Round);
PrintLine(TEXT("Enter your guess for the " + FString::FromInt(HiddenWord.Len()) + " letter hidden \nword."));
PrintLine(TEXT("You will get " + FString::FromInt(HiddenWord.Len()) + " guesses."));
FBullCowCount UBullCowCartridge::CountBullsCows(const FString& Guess) const
FBullCowCount Counter;
for (int32 GuessIndex = 0; GuessIndex < Guess.Len(); GuessIndex++)
if (Guess[GuessIndex] == HiddenWord[GuessIndex])
for (int32 HiddenIndex = 0; HiddenIndex < HiddenWord.Len(); HiddenIndex++)
if (Guess[GuessIndex] == HiddenWord[HiddenIndex])
return Counter;
const bool UBullCowCartridge::IsGuessCorrect()
if (HiddenWord == PlayerTestWord)
return true;
return false;
const bool UBullCowCartridge::CompareWordLength()
if (HiddenWord.Len() == PlayerTestWord.Len())
return true;
PrintLine(TEXT("Please enter a guess with " + FString::FromInt(HiddenWord.Len()) + " letters."));
PrintLine(TEXT("You have %i guesses remaining."), Lives);
return false;
bool UBullCowCartridge::TestIfIsogram(const FString& TestWord)
//1. get first letter
//2. check all letters starting from position 2 for that letter, if found print error exit function and return false
//3. if no letters are equal to the step one but increment all position references
//4. if the end char is selected as the letter to find return true
for (int32 i = 0; i < TestWord.Len(); i++)
for (int32 IndexR = i + 1; IndexR < TestWord.Len(); IndexR++)
if (TestWord[i] == TestWord[IndexR])
return false;
return true;
void UBullCowCartridge::ProcessGuess()
//check length of player guess compared to hiddenword
//check if isogram
//DetermineBullsAndCows(); //check for bull and cows
//remove life on fail, show remaining lives
//are lives > 0
//if life less then 0 ask if want to play again, display hidden word
//if lives greater take in another guess
FBullCowCount Count;
if (CompareWordLength() && !bGameOver)
if (IsGuessCorrect())
PrintLine(TEXT("You Win the game."));
bGameOver = true;
PrintLine(TEXT("Press enter to play again."));
else if (!TestIfIsogram(PlayerTestWord))
PrintLine(TEXT("The word you entered was not an isogram."));
PrintLine(TEXT("Please enter a guess with only \nunique letters."));
PrintLine(TEXT("You have %i guesses remaining."), Lives);
if (Lives > 1)
FBullCowCount Count = CountBullsCows(PlayerTestWord);
PrintLine(TEXT("%i Bulls, right letters in the right place."), Count.Bulls);
PrintLine(TEXT("%i Cows, right letters in the wrong place."), Count.Cows);
PrintLine(TEXT("You have used 1 guess, you have %i guesses remaining."), --Lives);
PrintLine(TEXT("You have lost the game."));
PrintLine(TEXT("The HiddenWord was \"%s\"."), *HiddenWord);
bGameOver = true;
Score = 0;
PrintLine(TEXT("Press enter to play again."));
else if (bGameOver)
void UBullCowCartridge::ChooseHiddenWord()
HiddenWord = Words[FMath::RandRange(0, Words.Num() - 1)];
PrintLine(TEXT("DEBUG: Hidden word tested: %s "), *HiddenWord);
} while (HiddenWord.Len() != Score + 2);
PrintLine(TEXT("DEBUG: The Hidden Word is: %s"), *HiddenWord); //DEBUG LINE
int32 WordNum = 0;
for (FString CWord : Words)
PrintLine(TEXT("DEBUG: There are %i HiddenWords"), WordNum); //DEBUG LINE