Actors aren't moving to waypoint

I have set up the blueprints exactly as given in this video (Blueprint Behaviour Tree Tasks). Somehow though I am getting the same problem Ben got when his Move To node was assigned to SelfActor; the Patrol execution flashes very quickly over the Root, Sequence and ChooseNextWaypoint_BP nodes without ever hitting the MoveTo node.

I have checked that the execution is passed through in the blueprint, that the correct AI blueprint is assigned to the third person characters and that all the settings are exactly as they were in the video. I have restarted the editor, unassigned and reassigned, even deleted and added back in. Nothing helps.

If anyone has any clues why this is happening, I’d really appreciate it. I’ve attached images of my blueprints, but due to internet limitations I can’t push my project to Github.


So, it turns out that after printing every possible value to the screen to find what was broken, the problem was that the “Success” box on the Finish Execure node in ChooseNextWaypoint had somehow become unticked.

Learn from my mistake: no matter how identical you may think your work is to the original, there’s always something small that you might have missed.


I ticked it, and now it works.
what this “success” toggle means ?

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