Accidentally hit "Build all levels" Now game won't load

On the video at 5:59 the Stephen mentions to hit “build all levels” instead of waiting hear to what he said I jumped the gun. It wasn’t doing anything at all for a good 15 mins or so the project crashed. Now when I try to load up the project again it won’t load at all.

I get it was my own error I should of just waited, but it’s kind of crazy how one little tiny screw up can cause the whole project not to load again loosing all my progress. I didn’t know if anyone could help me, I still have interest in completing the project.

Unfortunately without a more descriptive error from the crash report I don’t believe I am able to provide a definitive fix. If you have a previous backup of your project I would suggest falling back to that and continuing on.

Looking at the Engine source it seems like the Engine might be failing on corrupted shaders. One thing you could try is deleting the “DerivedDataCache” folder in your project to see if it’ll force a shader recompilation.

Thank you writing back so quickly! I tried to delete the “DerivedDataCache” and the same results happened. My apologies on not sending a crash report I would gladly send it over, just unsure how to upload the files. It seems like I can only upload photos.

Also no backups at all, I followed the videos to a T, so must of missed a few steps to set up autobackups. At the end of the day I am counting this as a lost, I just really honestly want to know what happened.

Unfortunately there’s no point in the course that talks about setting up backups, but this is something you’ll want to do for situations such as this.

Two services I can recommend are GitHub or Gitlab.

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