Accelerating Unity Development with the Asset Store

Many of us who’ve done nontrivial Unity development are using the Asset Store extensively. There are some excellent assets which are great for accelerating development, but the tutorials (usually on YouTube) vary widely in quality.

Obviously many of these modules have a cost associated, so ideally it would be modular so that if you didn’t have a particular asset, you could skip that module. Suggestions include:

  • Playmaker / Bolt / NodeCanvas
  • Gaia / GeNa
  • ShaderForge / Amplify Shader Editor
  • NGUI / DoozyUI
  • DOTween

etc. Perhaps GDTV could negotiate discount codes for those who purchased the GDTV course to get the assets/plugins cheaper, thus making the course a no-brainer cost wise?

Happy to discuss on Discord etc.

Really interested in this!

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I would love to see a course for Bolt. I have bought bolt and they have a big following on their site with well over a thousand people on the discord channel. The developer is very hands on and is constantly working on updates and new features, but there are limited courses available and not as in depth as the courses.
I am certain the game dev tv team would be able to make a fantastic course, and strike a deal with the bolt dev. Plus with bolt you do eventually need to code, so the guys joining a bolt course would probably also buy more of the other courses.

I also have Gaia and playmaker so would also be interested in these courses but for now I really really need a good Bolt course :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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