About 'What Is A Texture?'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Understand that the word texture describes the quality of a surface
  2. Typically associated with an image
  3. Can be generated by Blender
  4. Image Resolution
  5. Image Bit Depth
  6. RGB Channels

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Understand what a texture is and how it can be used

(Unique Video Reference: 4_TB_BEC)

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That was a good discussion of Image Resolution and Image Bit Depth. I have a hard time understanding that and your explanation clarified those concepts well. RGB was a brilliant demonstation (showing is always more concrete than just telling).

I agree that it’s a good description, but it’s slightly wrong in one aspect. A 2 bit per pixel/texel image can only represent 4 levels: 00, 01, 10, 11, in base 10 that would be 0, 1, 2, and 3. That means that 3 is full white, 0 is full black, and 1 and 2 represent 33% grey and 66% grey, respectively. The lecture describes it as having 5 value, 0 - 4. A binary number with N bits can only represent the values between 0 and (2 raised to the Nth power) - 1.


I agree completely. I was about to comment myself.

0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 would be five levels, not four!

I couldn’t believe the jump 10 bit offers, you think ok 8 bit to 10 bit a little better.
But reality R 256
G 256
B 256 shades of one color, ok that seems, like 256 variants of blue, more than the individual color crayons In the box.

But then to think to jump R G B shades of color = 1024, can the human eye even pick up that many variations of one color ???

You see a quality difference in monitors, with 10 bit, but can you see the full range of 1024, or does it wash out. Then you get cheated by your in-antiquate human eyeballs. Back to 120 htz dilemma do even see a difference.

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