@Ben, @Michael_Bridges, @sampattuzzi - the Unity and Blender forums have been done.
I’ve not done too much with the text in either yet, @Michael_Bridges kindly created a new topic for the move yesterday with some text (made sense to me that it was an instructor of the course that had created the topic as your picture is against it then).
Both of the “About” topics in the Intro categories briefly cover what it’s about and then link to the introductions topic. Both of the “About” topics are closed so no additional replies can be added to them.
Then for the introductions you have;
Unity -> S01 Intro -> Welcome to the Unity Section 1 sub-forum
Blender -> S01 Intro -> Welcome Everyone!
It might be worth considering renaming the Unity post as I’m not sure how useful the sub-forum text is - I’m battling with my OCD but if it were me I would probably make a decision on appropriate text and then use it across the board on all of the forums/sub-forums for consistency (but that’s just me).
All of the scattered introduction posts have now been moved into the appropriate topic. Whilst I was in the Blender forum I also took the liberty of tagging a lot of the posts for some of the sections which weren’t done (might have been before the hard links from Udemy were put in place). There were considerably more posts in the Blender forum for scattered introductions than in Unity and I wondered if this was because a) there is currently more growth on that course or b) there wasn’t a topic posted with the same tag as the one you are linking from Udemy with?
I’m not 100% how that works from the Udemy site into the tagging system here, but what would be advantageous is that if they come from Udemy to the forums to post their introduction that it ends up actually in the existing Topic - is this something the tags manage? or do they only tag the post with the same tag for introductions but effectively create a new topic? If the latter, could the URL be changed to that of the Welcome Everyone! topic for example so that they are more inclined to reply to the existing topic that start new ones? Same goes for Unity and the other courses.
I will move on to the other course in due … course … haven’t looked yet but in the same way @Michael_Bridges did the new topic for the Blender course I may need @sampattuzzi to do one for the Certification and VR courses (e.g. the instructor of the course).
Hope this is all ok.
Many posts moved/topics deleted so any logs may look a bit concerning at the moment - seems to have gone well though.
Final thought is really one of where you have your main text, in the case of Blender, @Michael_Bridges put some good text together but its currently in the introductions topic, it’s the opposite for Unity and I’m not sure whether the text is suited more to the “About” or the “Intros” topics… if that makes sense…
Anyway - any problems let me know…