About 'Welcome To TileVania'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. We'll be taking on Tilemap.
  2. A note about where this section fits within the course.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Explain to a fellow student roughly what we're building, and why this is awesome stuff to know.

(Unique Video Reference: 1_TV_CUD)

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  • What you found good about this lecture?
  • What we could do better?

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Enjoy your stay in our thriving community!

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We know you guys are serious about refactoring when you even refactor your courses!


@Rick_Davidson This is a general comment for the whole course. When you redo the audio for the 2D only course, you should mention why using a [SerializedField] is a good idea, and maybe even what it is for those that have not seen it before.

Great point, I totally will do that.

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This game doesn’t cover the water level going up during the level as mentioned in this lecture.

Thanks for pointing that out, I’ll put it on my list to record a lecture where we cover the moving water. Essentially you just create a new layer with a large sprite (with collider) which slowly increases its y value to move up the screen.

Did you mean another active tilemap instead of using the existing existing, a new one called moving hazard?

Yes, thats right. Sorry, I meant “tilemap layer” not “large sprite” (I’m currently working in the Block Breaker section and everything is about sprites, not tilemaps!).

I created it and is working fine, except there is one small problem. When I hit water sometimes the player dies, other times it doesn’t and I am able to walk on water. Here is my new tilemap, i created a new sorting layer, but used the hazard layer.

Here is my script:

Able to walk on water==>

PS:- using composite collider fixed the problem.
Thank you Rick for your help. :slight_smile:

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Awesome, well done!

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