About 'WaveConfig Scriptable Object'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Map out what data will need to be in which of our scripts.
  2. Create our WaveConfig script and populate it with our data variables.
  3. Write public get methods to allow other classes to access our data.

After watching (learning outcomes)… Create a scriptable object for wave data with public methods that return the data values.

(Unique Video Reference: 13_LD_CUD)

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Hey Rick,
I’ve found it really hard for me to follow when you have a bunch of components linking to one another (like EnemyPathing, WaveConfig, Spawner etc.). So why don’t you use diagrams that will show the relationships among these elements (just something similar to UML). Once we see the diagram, we will understand the whole thing better and faster.

Thank you,

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