I have black as the environment and there are no red lights, I try to change the lights to blue and the result is the same
I’d have to think of sub-scattering or subsurface color set somewhere in material settings. It would make sence as for Eevee this option must be turned on separately and not for Cycles. But… it’s volumetric. May be there is a color set in your volumetric settings? Like Absorbtion color is set to green and not black (not sure, but green absorption color should give visible red color).
first is evee render, second cycles.
Sun color is blue, as you can see it’s a huge difference between two engines.
Here’s my effort, not to different from the course standard, but I did try to go for a sodium vapour effect.
Much to learn with Eevee. I think too much options switched on. Just testing.
Bridge floor colour is ugly chosen. Need a nice wet cobblestone pattern, matching the fog
This render is in Eevee
And this is in Cycles
The two render engines handle this operation differently, so I was constantly fiddling with settings while switching between engines to try and get a final render. Gotta say though, Volumetrics are pretty awesome. Probably could add thicker fog as you can see the end of the “water” plane.
Experimenting with Eevee overlayed with Cycles in Krita… (cos I don’t know how to composite in Blender yet.)
Why don’t you? Blender means, having fun at this stage of the course.
I added some lights in some of the tunnels to help sell the feeling of the fog getting thicker towards the end
Thanks for the encouragement! There is an issue with me and project creep tho…
Well, my bridge was already dark, but now…
And that was the result of Cycles doing 256 loops over the course of almost 3 hours - it’s just too many lights. I chose to denoise with GIMP, here’s a better version:
You can also denoise with blender. https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/render/layers/denoising.html