About 'Using Time.timeScale'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Use [Range] to create a constrained slider in our inspector.
  2. Add Time.timeScale to adjust the speed of our entire game instead of needing to play around with gravity and velocity.
  3. Hunt down an error by updating our other level with our prefabs.

After watching (learning outcomes)… Able to change the speed of our game using Time.timeScale.

(Unique Video Reference: 23_BR_CUD)

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Another great lesson.

I had a game idea:

What if there were blocks that were added onscreen during gameplay, where you track how long the block has been on screen, and if the player hasn’t DestroyedBlock before X amount of time, the block replicates in a random direction into TWO blocks.

In other words, the game objects will grow like a virus if the player doesn’t destroy them fast enough, and the goal would be to clear out the blocks quickly.

That would be an interesting take on the block breaker game. :slight_smile:


Hi Rick
I am enjoying your lessons they are thorough interesting and well paced thank you.

Iam about to go on to the glitch Garden and am very excited for this one is a favorite for my grandson. Hopingto make him a birthday game using the skills I learn in that.

I like the slider to adjust game speed and wanted to know how to implement it in the game either using a slide or three buttons set at different speed settings.

This would be good on the game Start scene Or add in a button to an option scene. Giving the player a slow medium and are you crazy speed setting.

Buttons are simple and easy to make for switching scene I am just not sure how to create and call a method for on Click (set game speed to #) .

I have tried a few different ways all have failed so no need to list them at this point.

In your updated videos I would add this to this game.

Once again thanks!

Hey John,

In the Glitch Garden section we’ll be adding a settings menu and changing difficulty and volume using a slider. If you wanted to change game speed, you can take that learning (how to implement sliders) and use the slider value to set the game’s speed (changing Time.timescale).

Hope this helps!


I am sure it will makes sense baby steps thanks for reply.

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Sir do we need to use Time.timeScale in update function instead of start . I couldnt fin any thing evn on google, so came here.

Kinda doubt you’re still looking for an answer at this point but just in case, Rick basically states that we need to use the Time.timeScale function in the update method because the game constantly needs to know the speed of the game every frame.

Anyway, to answer the topic’s questions. I think the best thing about this lecture and most of all the lectures before it is that they are bite-sized enough to introduce a new concept or two and allow the student to digest and understand the content. The pacing might be a bit slow for someone who’s more experienced, but for the uninitiated (like me) I think that it’s the perfect pacing so far.

As far as what could be done that’s better…I’m not really sure yet. So far, I haven’t had any issues with understanding the content. There was an issue some time back on the For Loops but after watching the video over a couple times and reading up on the For Loop, I was able to work out what I couldn’t understand.

But maybe as I have more experience with coding and understanding, I might be able to pinpoint issues with the lecture.

Bottom line, thanks for this tutorial series and I can’t wait to keep learning more!

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