About 'Tweaking Linear & Angular Damping'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Making a testing level.
  2. Changing linear damping.
  3. Tweak linear damping.
  4. Tweak angular damping.
  5. Add more wheels.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Understand how damping affects the tank.

(Unique Video Reference: 113_BT_URC)

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Hello, I have been loving this course and it has given me a great appreciation and understanding regarding many things in game development. This lecture was definitely useful for learning how damping works and how it affects objects in Unreal, however, I feel that it is not a great solution for limiting the speed of the tank. I think it would be useful to discuss other ways of limiting the speed of an object moved by force as I have found very little help or documentation on the subject and I do not like the feel that linear damping gives the tank. I feel this would have a lot of applications in other aspects of development as well and could be a good addition to the course. Although, if the solution is overly complicated or simply out of the scope of this course, I understand, but if anyone has any ideas for that, it would be greatly appreciated.

Was it linear or quadratic damping we applied here? Because you could add some quadratic damping proportional to the velocity squared. That would act more like wind resistance. Alternatively you could cap the speed and remove any forward force when over the limit. But that would be a pretty unrealistic speed cap.

In the real world, damping is mostly linear or quadratic. You can tweak it though using the constants of the formula.

Here we used linear and angular damping. Looking through the blueprint, I am not seeing anything about quadratic damping. Adding damping proportional to the velocity sounds like it would produce the result I’m looking for though.
I agree that completely removing force at the speed cap would not be great, although reducing force as you approach the speed cap and limiting it to the minimum force necessary to maintain momentum would be the ideal if you were to do something like that, however I am not sure how feasible that would be in our case.

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Courses like this are really helpful. I had some problems with Angular when I studied it and these really help me deal with the problems. There are times where you can’t get the problem solved and that is when you need to hire a good developer who will do it for you. When you see how he does it you can automatically learn from it. If you want to know how to hire angular developers you can read this blog https://devoxsoftware.com/blog/how-to-hire-angular-developers/. From there I have learned that there is a big difference between the salaries that developers have in different places. You can find them easily on freelance platforms today because a lot of them start there.

I agree, but I may be not meant for programming. I look the last course in C++ from Harvard University and had to quit due to my lack of abilities to finish it.

Can happen to all of us. Was that course a MOOC course? Then you may want to reconsider your learning curve and enroll into a full-time paid tuition with a personal curator. In my case, however, there was no time for it. After the high school, I started a new business and hired an AI development company to help me implement the most modern solutions. I know that even if I finished a programming course, I would have never been able to do the same.

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