About 'Tune & Playtest'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Refer back to your player experience to determine how you tune your game.
  2. Tune all of your game variables so that you're happy with them.
  3. Ask a friend to playtest.

After watching (learning outcomes)… Tune your game so that it matches your player experience.

(Unique Video Reference: 35_BR_CUD)

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  • What we could do better?

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I tried adding a score multiplier based on the hit points of the block, but since the score is handled in a different script it meant passing a bunch of methods back and forth with one another and was pretty inconsistent. Sometimes it calculated correctly, most of the time it didn’t, and occasionally it would work on some of the blocks but not all of them.

There’s probably a better way to handle this so I don’t end up with a script calling on a method from another script that needs a value returning method from the first script before it can finish processing itself, all running constantly throughout gameplay.

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