About 'Tower LookAt Enemy'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Construct a tower with base and top parts.
  2. Use LookAt to move the top of the tower to look at a moving enemy.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Use LookAt statement to control the rotation of a tower.

(Unique Video Reference: 19_RR_CU2)

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@Rick_Davidson From 2:20(roughly) to 3:01, Rick, you are repeating the information about pivot points. It looks like the video skips and then repeats. Thanks.

Yikes! Thanks for pointing this out George, am fixing it right now.

Looks like Ben’s getting the next wave of videos up to handle actually shooting from the tower and killing the enemies… I’ve never had the chance to actually be ahead of the current content before, so I’ve spent the evening working on polishing up and getting the turrets shooting and the enemies dying.

I worked mine out in Hex tiles instead of square tiles (just to see if I could) so I used assets from the Asset Store. For the turret bullets, I stole the particle bullets from Argon Assault.


Very cool work, well done!

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