About 'The Solidify Modifier'!

  • Creating additional geometry quickly
  • Using Vertex Groups as a control for modifiers
  • Demonstration of modifier speeding up Workflow

(Unique Video Reference: 12_SC_BCC)

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To remove the extra geometry i turned off the mirror mods as drive me insane trying to work inside a model :slight_smile: Made life a little easier with more complex models

My boots so far :slight_smile:

I’ve created the strap like this:
Firstly added another Edgeloop with about the height of the strap. Then Selected the FaceLoop and seperated it. Deleted that extra edgeloop of the boot again. In the strap selected the Faceloop and Scaled with alt+s and added the solidify modifier.


I thought I had done this lecture months ago only to look at my course list and find that it was not checked off. So, I watched it and sure enough I hadn’t done it but I know that last week my list of lectures was complete up to Inset Tool and this week this Solidify Modifier was in the list as not being viewed.

The lecture was very helpful but I am not sure why I missed it before.

Sometimes I add lectures later to flesh out a learning journey.

Sometimes Udemy skips a lecture or eats it entirely!

Thanks for the update. That makes absolute sense!

Boots after solidifiying. I actually did this to the straps after the last lecture, but the boots were still a solid 3D object.


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